The surveying project of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory, LiDAR - IPA II- 2019
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the main European Union financial instrument for providing assistance to the beneficiary countries in gradual harmonization with EU standards and policies including legal acquis, all with an aim of the European Union membership. Briefly, IPA represents support for the European integration process through financial, technical and expert aspects.
In order to support potential candidate countries, the European Union has combined all previous support forms for candidate and potential candidates for membership (CARDS, SAPARD, ISPA, PHARE, instrument for Turkey) into one - the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance– IPA. IPA funds are intended primarily for the institutions that undertake obligations and at the same time, they are available to other users (non-governmental organizations, the business community, border regions, local self-government units, agricultural farms and other physical and legal persons).
The European Parliament and the European Commission adopted a set of legal acts that are necessary for the program implementation in order to establish the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), as well as to define the goals, specific rules, general provisions and procedures for the program implementation.
The European Parliament and the European Council adopted the Regulation No. 231/2014 that established the Pre-Accession Assistance Instrument for the period 2014-2020 (IPA II) on March 11, 2014. The Regulation stipulates that the general goal of IPA II is to support beneficiary countries in the process of adoption and implementation of political, legal, administrative, social and economic reforms harmonized with EU rules and values.
The Regulation No. 236/2014 of the European Parliament and Council defined the rules and procedures for the implementation of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the period 2014-2020. The European Commission adopted the Implementing regulation No. 447/2014 on May 2, 2014, which contains specific rules for the implementation of Regulation No. 231/2014. The IPA II framework agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and European Commission came into force on August 24, 2015.
The surveying project of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory, LiDAR has been planned for financing from the IPA II- 2019 funds during period 2023-2024. The project goal is to improve the quality and number of services that land administration institutions provide to governments and public/private sectors by using LiDAR technology and subsequently establishing e-services to share and disseminate this precise data to all interested stakeholders.
LiDAR survey technology has proven to be one of the best methods for collecting accurate data in three dimensions from the earth's surface providing the maximum density of topographic and digital image data for various applications, including disaster and natural resource management, engineering, infrastructure and environmental protection.
The availability of these high-precision spatial data and services will facilitate data processing, analysis and decision-making for users at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the private and scientific sectors.
Through LiDAR project will be carried out an aerial LiDAR surveying of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory, processed collected data and delivered data products of digital surface model and digital terrain model. The project goal is to create a digital terrain model (DTM) and digital surface model (DSM) based on LiDAR point clouds obtained by aerial survey. The details and quality of the final products must enable the use of DTM and DSM and serve as a basis for various planning, design, operational execution of cadastral-geodetic works and monitoring purposes:
The territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be covered by LiDAR measurement and the resulting point clouds, DTM and DSM in a resolution of 5 and 10 points per square meter for urban and rural areas during the implementation of the project.
In terms of the project, the Delegation of European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina will act like as the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and District Brčko as the USERS, and the service provider will be selected through a tender procedure. The total project value is 2,500,000 Euros and will include support in the procurement of equipment for Users.
The implementation of these activities would contribute to the creation of conditions necessary for the INSPIRE directive establishment and implementation, which represents an additional condition for availability of the common spatial data to institutions at all levels of government. Through the implementation of this activity, the delivery of the necessary ICT storing and sharing equipment is also planned.