A single aces point to geo data resources shared and made available by SDI FBiH entities
The SDI FBiH Web viewer is a Web GIS application where spatial data are based on previously established web services and a number of other software components.
The main goal of establishing the SDI FBIH Web viewer is to ensure easier access and use of standardized spatial data available to SDI FBiH entities.
The SDI FBiH Web viewer is the SDI FBiH basis where users have an insight into all available spatial data sets and subsets. Using the Metadata Catalogue, the user can be further informed about the data of interest visualized on a Web viewer.
All data exist in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be available on the Web viewer in the near future. Spatial data at the level of the Federation will be harmonized according to the regulations of INSPIRE standards of European Union, visualized on a viewer, available to the public for inspection and described by metadata.