A workshop „Support to implementation of communication strategies and communication plans“ was of held in Sarajevo in the period May 10 – 12, 2016, within CILAP project Component 1 “ Support to the strengthening of Land Administration organizations, development of Human Resources, relevant Legal Framework and Project Management“.
The workshop was led by Mr. Lennart Wastesson, communication expert from Lantmateriet. At the workshop drafts of communication strategies that are made by the entity geodetic administrations and communication plans were discussed.
Development of communication strategies is part of the need for improvement of communication with the public, improvement of Administration business, as well as understanding of all activities by both internal and external stakeholders and the entire public.
In fact, in recent years Geodetic Administrations have been working on a very useful and important projects, but at the same time, these projects were not adequately represented and recognized in public by citizens as consumers of data and services as well as by employees themselves. For this reason, Geodetic Administrations have prepared a draft of communication strategy that defines objectives, types, methods of communication and activities, both within the Administration and between the Administration and municipal and cantonal authorities responsible for cadastre, the public or target groups, including timely information about Administration business, in order to inform professional and general public and thus become more accessible and transparent.