The UNECE Working Party on Land Administration, jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is arranging a series of webinars for experts in land administration and management to exchange on national responses, share experiences and lessons learnt related to how pandemic has affected national economies and with no exception property markets all over the world.
On April 15, 2021 webinar ”COVID-19 and Property Markets in UNECE region” is organized in order to look at the recent development and most important driving forces underpinning national property markets; examples on how national land registries are coping with challenges and maintaining crucial social services; and how the private sector is tackling social restrictions and adapting to the situation.
On webinar, presenters were Mr. Carl O. Geving, from Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents, Mr. Lionel Galliez, International Union of Notaries (UINL) Vice President for Europe, and Ms. Jelena Zelic from Bosnia and Herzegovina who presented Sales Price Register and impact of COVID-19 on the property market in the Federation of BiH, as well as Ms. Dragana Svitlica who presented situation on other entity, respectively Republic of Srpska.
Representative of the Federation of BiH Ms. Jelena Zelic presented the Sales Price Register process model, systems/technical platforms/e-services, the access to data and data sharing, the property market flow during the pandemic in comparison to the previous years, and what market data show in relation to the pandemic situation.
This is part of a series of joint WPLA – FAO webinars on “Land Administration during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Conclusions, outcomes and learning of these exchanges will be presented at the twelfth Session of the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration on 31 May and 1 June 2021.