THE WORLD BANK MISSION - Federal Geodetic Administration

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27.09.2024 22:09

Representatives of the World Bank visited the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs in order to carry out a monitoring mission and prepare a final report on the realization of the Real Estate Registration Project on October 25th and 26th , 2024. The mission was led by TTL Mr. Paul Scott Prettiore and his associates.

During the mission, the achieved results were reviewed in detail, which successfully met all development goals and indicators of realization. The project achieved significant results, especially in terms of benefits for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens, the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as for investors. Activities on the data harmonization between the land register and cadastre created a completely new framework for the development of the real estate market, which contributed to the overall economic development of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Up-to-date information on real estate, ownership, restrictions and other real rights provide greater security to investors and foreign investors, improve the business climate and competitiveness. These activities are significant in the sectors of business climate, direct investments, concessions and registration of business entities.

One of the key results of the project is access to real estate data via the Internet, which enables full access to information for all interested users. Thanks to the activities of the Real Estate Registration Project and Additional Financing, a total of 1,693,740 owners and co-owners successfully registered their rights, which significantly improved the security of legal real estate transactions and contributed to the development of the economy.

The total number of land registry entries in the electronic land register book of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 2,431,401, with 61.8% based on the new cadastral survey. The realized goals are equal to or even bigger than expected, thanks to the proactive approach in the Project implementation and cooperation with administrative bodies, municipal courts, local self-government units, citizens and the business community in the FBiH.

As a part of the mission, a successful visit was made to the Land registry office at the Municipal Court in Sarajevo and the cadastral office in Ilijaš, where the functionality of the new information system of the Land registry and Cadastre of the FBiH was demonstrated. It is expected that this system will be in full use in all land registry and cadastral offices during 2025 through the implementation of a new World Bank project in the FBiH.

The World Bank representatives expressed their satisfaction with all aspects of the project implementation, including the financial implementation of the loan, which is approximately 97%.

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