On 17th of November, 2022 the thirty-second session of the SDI FBH Council was held within the conference "3rd Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina". Members of the Council participated in the session in accordance with the Decision of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The following topics were discussed at the Council session:
1. Determination of the agenda of the 32nd session of the SDI FBH Council;
2. Approval of the Minutes from the previous 31st session of the SDI FBH Council;
3. Information on the need to appoint a new member of the Council from the Federal Ministry of Justice;
4. Implementation of SDI establishment activities from the Work Plan for 2022:
4.1. Information on the entry of data into the SDI Registers by subjects,
4.2. Information on creating definitions and descriptions of SDI spatial data topics,
4.3. Information on completed educational activities related to spatial data infrastructure in 2022;
5. Information on the preparation of the updated strategic document of SDI FBH: Draft Analysis of the initial situation;
6. Information about the current conference Days of SDI in FBH;
7. Other topics;
The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, as the Coordinating Body of the FBiH SDI, worked intensively on the implementation of the activities of the adopted Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance and development of the FBH SDI for the year 2022. The members of the Council were presented with the activities related to the establishment of cooperation and the inclusion of SDI subjects in the previous period, as well as information on the preparation of the updated strategic document of the SDI FBH. Certain conclusions were reached in connection regarding the 3rd SDI FBH Days conference.
Members of the Council were also active participants in the conference "Days of SDI" in FBH on November 17th and 18th, 2022 in Neum at the "Marea" hotel, during which the Council session was held. The main goal of the conference is to raise the awareness of SDI subjects, public, private and academic sectors about the advantages of SDI and the use of very valuable spatial data sets. The conference was regional and international with the participation of representatives from the Kingdom of Sweden, the Netherlands, Croatia and other countries from the Western Balkan region, as well as the institutions of the Federation of BH.