The FBiH Government accepted the Information on importance of the FBiH Spatial Data on their 262 regular session held on 8 April 2021. The Information is important for economic development, spatial planning and space managing as a resource, as well as for decision-making on using land by public institutions.
Through the long- term use of the spatial data in many purposes, the importance of orthophoto plans was especially emphasized which imposed themselves as the most important source of quality spatial information that shows the real situation on the ground. The orthophoto plans are made on the basis of aerial shots (by plane or satellite), they are available in three time generations and that from the period of Year 2008-2009, 2012-2013 and 2018, and they are considered one of the most sought-after data of the FGA Geoportal.
Considering that the preparations for next Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina has begun, and one of the most important data are quality and up-to-date digital orthophoto plans, the FBiH Government has given support to further projects of collection, processing and distribution of the FBiH spatial data, more specifically, the development of a new generation of digital orthophoto plans that should be realized in Year 2022.