Semi-annual real estate market report of the Federation of BiH for 2024 - Federal Geodetic Administration

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Semi-annual real estate market report of the Federation of BiH for 2024

03.09.2024 09:50

Through the realization of the activities of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) related to the establishment of the Sales Price Register (SPR) in co-operation with the Tax Administration of the Federation BiH (TA FBiH) and local self-government units (LSGU), it was made a Real Estate Market Report of the Federation of BiH for Year 2023.

The Sales Price Register is in service to provide relevant information to real estate market participants, FGA as well as TA FBiH and LSGU. At the time of writing, this Report the system is in use in 74 local self-government units, out of a total of 79 and in 73 tax offices, out of a total of 73 in the Federation of BiH.

The data analysis includes all sales contracts recorded as of August 26, 2024.

The total realized value from sales contracts in the first half of Year 2024 in the Federation of BiH in the territory of the Federation of BiH is 727,875,445.00 BAM, which according to available data is 16.6% less compared to the first half of Year 2023.

Of the 10,180 registered sales contracts, the subject of taxation were 9,799, of which Municipal Commission entered data for 7,909 sales contracts in the SPR, and only such transactions were taken into preparation for real estate market analyses. Out of 7,909 sales contracts, 392 refers to mixed contracts and the value of these amounts to 45,776,761 BAM.

In the first six months of Year 2024, the total number of realized sales contracts is 10,522. Taking into account the available data, the volume of the real estate market in the first half of 2024 recorded a decrease of 8% compared to the same period in 2023, while the total value of sales contracts decreased by 17%.

Figure 1. Number of real estate sale contracts for the first half of 2023 and 2024.

The highest realized real estate prices in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of Year 2024 are:

  • The highest realized price of the house is in the Vogošća municipality and its total price was 1,000,000.00 BAM with a usable area of ​​380 m2 and a total plot area of ​​2,330 m2, built in Year 2020;
  • The highest realized price of an apartment is in the territory of the Municipality of Novo Sarajevo and its total price was 712,000.00 BAM, the usable area of ​​that apartment is 105 m2 and it is located in a building built in Year 2010;
  • The highest realized price of business space (offices) is in the area of ​​Mostar and its total price was 1,340,000.00 BAM, the usable area of ​​the space is 435 m2 and it is located in a building built in Year 2018;
  • The highest realized price of a business building is in the area of ​​the Municipality of Novi Travnik and its total price was 3,662,000.00 BAM with a usable area of ​​4,143 m2 and a total plot area of ​​12,574 m2, built in Year 2015;
  • The highest realized price of a garage (garage or garage space in a building) is in the area of ​​the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo and its total price was 43,000.00 BAM, the usable area of ​​that garage is 16 m2 and it is located in a building built in Year 2015;
  • The highest realized price of construction land is in the area of ​​the Municipality of Novi Grad Sarajevo and its total price was 7,100,000.00 BAM for a land of 2,392 m2;
  • The highest realized price of agricultural land is in the Municipality of Gračanica, and its total price was 78,200 BAM for land with an area of ​​8,399 m2.

The complete semi-annual report of the real estate market in the Federation of BiH for Year 2024 is avaiable on the website under the tab "Reports".

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