Within the implementation of the Real Estate Registration Project in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RERP), and with the support of the Swedish Donor Project “Capacity Building for Improvement of Land Administration and Procedures in Bosnia and Herzegovina” – CILAP project which is carried out by Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs a public lecture on gender equality when registering property rights was held in the premises of the Municipality of Gračanica on April 20, 2017.
Round table participants were citizens from the area of Gračanica Municipality, a women's association, non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of the women rights and employees from the Land Administration Sector. The main objective of the round table was to raise awareness on gender equality during the registration of property rights with emphasis on the registration of the matrimonial property, gaining inheritance rights and ownership rights on real estate during the process of harmonization of cadastre and land registy data.
According to the current situation, FBiH has a significantly lower number of registered women as property owners than men. Therefore, the aim of public lectures is to raise women's awareness of their rights and their protection and economic empowerment in the FBiH. After the lecture, the participants asked questions about issues related to this topic.
At the opening address, Ms. Andja Zimić, director of the Project welcomed the attendees and round table was led by Ms. Jasminka Suša, head of the Working Group, Ms. Nefisa Dobrača-Mahmutagić and Mr. Zlatan Bajramović employees of Sector for Real Property, Financial and General Affairs, members of the working group which under CILAP Component 1 directly work on promotion of gender equality in Land administration and FGA service delivery.