The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on its 40th session on August 29, 2024 in Sarajevo, at the proposal of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, determined the text of the Draft Law on Survey and Real Estate Cadastre.
The draft law will define a new modern framework for cadastral surveying and real estate cadastre, topographic surveying and cartography, and implement new technical-technological solutions in existing systems, which significantly improves digitalization and modernization, increases legal security, connects with other data bases - registers (land register, address register, digital archive, etc.), improves land planning and management and many other benefits that make the cadastre modern, reliable and accurate real estate records.
As a part of the provisions of the Draft Law on Surveying and Real Estate Cadastre, tasks and procedures related to administrative and professional activities carried out during cadastral surveying and maintenance are clearly prescribed, namely:
- basic geodetic works,
- cadastral survey,
- establishment and maintenance of the real estate cadastre,
- maintenance of the land cadastre and its adjustment to the real estate cadastre,
- renewal of the survey,
- topographic survey and official cartography,
- information systems of the register of spatial units, address register, digital archive,
- storage, access, issuing and fees for using data and providing services,
- inspection supervision.
One of the most significant provisions refers to the joint information system of the cadastre and land register, which aims to ensure and improve the compatibility of these two registers, as well as reduce the number of procedures and avoid double evidence on the harmonized data.
The draft Law on Surveying and Real estate cadastre replaces the regulations adopted in the 70s and 80s, which relate to the establishment and maintenance of cadastre, cartography, storage and sharing of data, which by their content, measurement methods, and way of conducting do not correspond to the modern age.
It is to be expected that the Draft Law on Survey and Real Estate Cadastre will soon be on the agenda of the sessions of Parliament of the Federation of BiH and the House of Peoples of the Federation of BiH, and if it receives support as a part of the parliamentary procedure, also in the public debate.