The Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović, Assistant Director, Mr. Sead Hadžić, and Expert Advisor, Ms. Slađana Lozančić, held a meeting with the Mayor of Mostar, Mr. Mario Kordić and his associates. The meeting was also attended by the director of the Cantonal Geodetic Administration, Mr. Ivan Lesko, his assistant, Mr. Adelko Krmek, and the head of the land registry office in Mostar, Mr. Meadin Balavac.
The main topic of the meeting was the current status of projects and activities of the land administration sector in the territory of the city of Mostar. Harmonization of cadastral and land registry data is being implemented in 12 cadastral municipalities with special emphasis on the city cadastral municipalities Mostar I and Mostar II. It was agreed that with the additional employment of land registry referents, efforts will be made to complete this process by the end of the year so that next year the process of harmonizing data for other areas can started.
The marking of house numbers has also begun, and efforts will be made to establish an address register as soon as possible, in coordination with the city administration, cantonal and federal geodetic administrations. The process of public exhibition of cadastral data has been completed for the cadastral municipality of Dobrč and the process continues for other undisplayed areas. The establishment of the utility cadaster is also underway.
Satisfaction with the initiated activities of the land administration sector in the city of Mostar was highlighted, but all activities need to be accelerated, including capacity building of city services and strengthening coordination with the cantonal and federal geodetic administrations.