Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement – GIVE project - Federal Geodetic Administration

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Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement – GIVE project

04.02.2025 16:52

The House of People of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at its 15th regular session, which was held on January 30, 2025, adopted the Decision on acceptance of debt under the Loan Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development- IBRD for the realization of the Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement Project. The same Decision was previously adopted by the House of Representatives of the FBiH Parliament at the 15th session held on November 28, 2024.

With the adoption of the decisions, all parliamentary procedures at the state and federal level were successfully completed, which fulfilled the formal conditions for the effectiveness and start of implementation of the Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement (GIVE) Project. Loan Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, No. 96760-BA, was signed on August 29, 2024, ratified on December 12, 2024, and published in the "Official Gazette of BiH", No. 1/25 - International Agreements.

The value of the GIVE Project, financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), is 23.1 million euros and lasts until January 31, 2030, while effectiveness is expected in March 2025 after the completion of subsidiary procedures.

The main goal of the GIVE project is to improve the accuracy and availability of information on land administration in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Digitalization, harmonization and standardization of data will enable the modernization of the land administration sector, providing better services to citizens and the business community.

The implementation of the project is carried out by the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs through the Sector for management of public investment program projects.

For more information about the GIVE project, please visit the detailed project information section:

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