The House of Peoples of the FBiH Parliament adopted the Draft Law on Survey and Cadastre at its 16th session held on March 4, 2025. The Draft Law on Surveying and Cadastre replaces regulations adopted in the 1970s and 1980s relating to the establishment and maintenance of cadastre, cartography, data storage and sharing, which do not correspond to the modern era in terms of their content, applied measurement methods, and method of management.
The provisions of the Draft Law on Surveying and Cadastre clearly prescribe tasks and procedures related to administrative and professional activities carried out during cadastral surveying and survey maintenance.
The establishment of a common information system eliminates the process of double implementation of changes, which increases the degree of integration in the process of maintaining cadastral and land registry data, with a focus on those areas that have gone through the harmonization process. Harmonized data would continue to be maintained while ensuring the highest level of transparency and data integrity, with minimal expenditure of resources and administrative capacity, for the benefit of citizens and the business community.
The proposed text of the Law on Surveying and Cadastre also harmonizes the field of cadastral surveying and real estate cadastre with new technical and technological solutions (GIS, GPS), and the real estate cadastre is defined as a modern cadastre, which is a trend in cadastres around the world. Instead of a tax purpose, it is now the purpose of ensuring accurate and up-to-date boundaries of ownership, which gives an additional quality of security of ownership and other real rights. The Law on Surveying and Cadastre defines the role of the private sector more clearly through licensing.
Legal security of real estate data and real estate rights is, of course, a prerequisite for overall economic development.
As the FBiH House of Representatives has already adopted the Draft Law, a public debate is now underway in order to achieve the highest quality text of the proposed Law.