Annual Assembly of the Geodetic Society of Herzeg- Bosnia - Federal Geodetic Administration

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Annual Assembly of the Geodetic Society of Herzeg- Bosnia

24.06.2024 13:15

The Annual Assembly of the Geodetic Society of Herzeg- Bosnia was held from June 21 to 23, 2024 at the „Adria Ski“hotel in Kupres. The Assembly gathered guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Serbia and the surrounding area, and in addition to the work part, in included the professional part of the program and the presentation of the geodetic Society's yearbook.

The professional part of the program included relevant lectures in the field of land administration and geodesy, particularly highlighted the participation of the representatives of geodetic administrations:

  • Željko Obradović, the Director of the FGA: “Actualities in the work of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs”
  • Antonio Šustić, the Director of the DGA: “Cadastral survey as a measure for efficient management, planning and space management”
  • Denis Tabučić, Assistant Director in FGA: “Geospatial Infrastructure and Valuation Enhancement project”
  • Sead Hadžić, Assistant Director in FGA: “Draft on Law on survey and real estate cadaster”
  • Emina Kamber, expert associate in the FGA: “The new system architecture of the land registry and cadaster information systems”

In addition of the aforementioned lectures, the Society’s yearbook for 2022 and 2023 was also presented, as well as discussions, sport activities and a formal dinner were held.

During the Assembly, the new management was chosen, headed by the new President Mrs. Sara Mihaljević, and the Chairman of the Assembly Mr. Jakov Maganić.

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