Official ceremony for launching the portal “Public access of Sales Price Register data of the Federation of BiH” will take place on Tuesday, June 5 2018, at 11.00, in Conference Hall of the hotel Holiday Inn, Sarajevo. Addressing the media is planned from 10:30 h to 11:00 h and the official ceremony begins at 11:00 hours. After the introductory speech of Mr. Željko Obradović, director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Šerif Isović, director of the Tax Authority of Federation BiH, Mr. Anders Hagelberg, His Excellency Swedish Ambassador in BiH, Mrs. Jelka Milićević, Minister of Finance of the Federation of BiH Government and Mrs. Anđa Zimić, CILAP project director, Mr. Fadil Novalić, Prime Minister of the Government of the Federation of BiH will officially release the portal " Public access of Sales Price Register data of the Federation of BiH ".
By Public access of Sales Price Register data of the Federation of BiH, accurate and reliable information on realized transactions of property sales will be available to all participants in the market. The main objective of public presentation of Sales Price Register data of the Federation of BiH as official and available real estate market records in the FBiH is to increase the transparency of the real estate market i.e. to obtain realistic insight of real estate market and its developments/ trends. Sustainable and transparent real estate market is a base for economic development and investment and EU accession.
Public access of Sales Price Register data of the Federation of BiH is result of cooperation between Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Tax Authority of Federation of BiH and local self-government units in Federation of BiH in realization of project activities "Capacity Building for Improvement of Land Administration and Procedures in BiH" – CILAP. Through the implementation of Component 3 of the CILAP project, during 2016 and 2017 the development of the IT system of the Sales Price Register of the Federation of BiH was carried out. Given the existing legal and institutional framework, the system has been developed in close cooperation with the Tax Administration of Federation of BiH, whose officials are internal users of the system together with real estate valuation commissions in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of local self-government units.
After 5 June 2018, recorded data from sales contracts related to the price, area and type of property will be publicly available so that citizens can check via the Internet at what prices houses, apartments, and land in a specific part of a municipality or city are sold or can be sell. It is very important to note that the personal data of the real estate market participants will be protected, and the location displayed on the browser is approximate, informative and does not include the actual location of the sold real estate.