Abbreviated Public Call for Expressions of Interest, Consulting Services - Loan No. 96760-BA - Federal Geodetic Administration

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Abbreviated Public Call for Expressions of Interest, Consulting Services - Loan No. 96760-BA

04.02.2025 12:03


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs

Project improvements geospatial infrastructure and estimates values real estate (GIVE)

Abbreviated Public Call for Expressions of Interest, Consulting Services - Loan No. 96760-BA

Based on Loan no. 96760-BA between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and for the implementation of the five-year Project for the Improvement of Geospatial Infrastructure and Real Estate Valuation (GIVE) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, part of the loan funds is intended for the engagement of consulting services within the framework of activity D.3.1 .1, D.2.3.4, A.4.2.4 and B.3.3. Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Affairsinvites all qualified and interested candidates to express their interest in providing the above consulting services for the following positions in the GIVE Project Implementation Unit:

  1. Monitoring, Evaluation and QAQC Expert
  2. Procurement specialist
  3. Finance expert
  4. IT expert
  5. Geospatial and spatial data infrastructure expert
  6. Real estate price register and valuation expert
  7. Building registry and data collection expert
  8. Land registry expert
  9. Cadastral expert
  10. Social and Environmental Affairs Specialist
  11. Administrative assistant
  12. Architect for construction works
  13. IT expert in the field of land administration

Information on the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, detailed job descriptions for each of the listed positions are available on the website: . A letter of interest together with a CV and evidence of professional training and experience must be submitted no later than February 17, 2025. year to the address or via

Sarajevo, 03.02.2025.                                                                                                            


1. Monitoring, Evaluation and QAQC Expert

2. Procurement specialist

3. Finance expert

4. IT expert

5. Geospatial and spatial data infrastructure expert

6. Real estate price register and valuation expert

7. Building registry and data collection expert

8. Land registry expert

9. Cadastral expert

10. Social and Environmental Affairs Specialist

11. Administrative assistant

12. Architect for construction works

13. IT expert in the field of land administration

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